Setting Intentions


Intentions are purposeful, conscious aims that guide our actions and focus our energy. In the context of ayahuasca ceremonies, setting intentions involves identifying specific goals or desires you wish to explore or achieve during the experience. These can range from seeking healing for emotional or physical ailments, gaining clarity on life decisions, fostering personal growth, or deepening your spiritual understanding. 

Intentions matter because they act as a compass, directing the profound insights and transformative power of ayahuasca towards areas of your life where you seek change or understanding. By setting clear, heartfelt intentions, you create a framework for your journey that can help focus your mind, engage your emotions, and open your spirit to the teachings and healing potential of the plant medicine. 

Clear intentions also help you stay grounded and centered during the often intense and unpredictable experiences that ayahuasca can bring, providing a touchstone to return to if you feel overwhelmed or lost. Therefore, taking the time to thoughtfully set your intentions before the ceremony can significantly enhance the depth and impact of your ayahuasca journey.

Pre Retreat Reflection Prompts

  • Reflect on your current state of mind and emotions. How are you feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally?


  • What are your hopes and intentions for this ayahuasca journey? What do you hope to learn, heal, or understand?


  • Consider your relationships with yourself, others, and the world around you. Are there any areas where you seek clarity or resolution?
  • Are there any specific challenges or issues in your life that you would like to address during the retreat?


  • Is there anything you need to release or let go of before entering into this experience?


  • Reflect on your spiritual beliefs and practices. How do you hope this journey will deepen your connection to the divine or the universe?


For effective journaling or reflection, reflect freely, without judgment, and allow your thought and emotions to flow.

*** We encourage participants to bring their journals to the retreat and continue journaling throughout the experience ***